Dramatic Buddhist
Codes Discovered

The number and quality of the previous Buddha findings published in the digest significantly piqued our interest. So, we decided to search for the terms Buddhism and Buddhist as well. Nathan Jacobi, Ph.D., parsed and translated the findings presented in this article.

BCD consulted with a practitioner of Vajrayāna Buddhism, who wishes to remain anonymous, for some of the insights into the Buddhist meanings of the codes presented in this article. BCD wishes to express appreciation for her insightful contribution to this article.

Many of the explanations in this article cast Buddhism in a favorable light. This is not intended as an endorsement of it by BCD, but instead should be seen as the result of trying to explain the content of extended codes—from a Buddhist point of view. It is our position that Bible codes are prophetic fragments that should be viewed as expressions of a well-known point of view, which may or may not represent the truth. Buddha photo from Wikipedia.

Buddhism Codes

Of the twenty shortest skips of the term Buddhism, nine resulted in extended ELSs ranging from 21 to 45 letters in length. To have found as many lengthy ELSs as Jacobi did, whose content readily makes sense from a well-known point of view (Buddhism), is extremely improbable.

Buddhism, the people are coming, the present is God,
and who is my light? Death is a razor-like prince.

Words such as light, death, and prince are central to Buddhism. As we know light or enlightenment is a central theme in Buddhism, and it was Buddha's first exposure to death and illness that prompted him to leave his life as a prince and pursue the life of an ascetic.

This is a very striking code that links a religion with a wide following (the people are coming) to key issues: (1) the nature of existence (the present) and its relationship to God, (2) the question of who each person will turn to as a source of illumination (Who is my light?) and (3) the sudden and dramatic nature of death (Death is a razor-like prince).

The question, Who is my light? seems particularly appropriate to Buddhism, with its encouragement to its devotees to find their own path, with the aide of a guru or guide. Such a question would seem inappropriate to a monotheistic religion (i.e., Judaism, Christianity or Islam) where its doctrines leave no question as to who a follower's light is.

The last sentence likens death to a razor-like prince. Is it not death that sharply cuts us off from this life? Buddhism's practices teach how to prepare for death. The contemplation of death provides a razor-like teaching. The more you contemplate death, the more aware you are of the temporary nature of life, and the importance of being on a spiritual path in this lifetime.

The name has returned, and from that was constructed a home.
Now a woman will be born from the palm of their heart, Buddhism.

The Name in Hebrew is Hashem, which is a very common synonym for God. Perhaps the name has returned is a reference to the second coming of Jesus, anticipated by Christians, and the home is a type of Christianity that would arise at the time when many are looking for the return of Christ. The second sentence could then refer to a woman who had become a buddha, an "enlightened one", who originated from Christianity, and yet had become the new leader of a new sect of Buddhism. This woman could be a symbol of the New Age, which draws much from Buddhism and yet also has some Christian origins.

Perhaps she has moved to the sea,
proud Buddhism was placed in an ark in God's seas.

The presence of the word ark in this code is more reminiscent of the teachings of the Hebrew Tanakh (Old Testament) than any teaching in Buddhism (i.e., the ark that Noah built and the Ark of the Covenant).

In the Bible, the sea is a symbol of the mass of humanity. This code seems to pose the possibility that Buddhism would be spread through much of the world, rather than remaining within a few Asian countries, through a movement that would bear many similarities to Judeo-Christian beliefs, as symbolized by an ark in God's seas. Again, the New Age seems to be the result of such a hybrid version of these two religions.

Many New Agers believe that Buddhism provides important tools for practicing the loving-kindness and compassion that Jesus taught. It is also noteworthy that a feminine being (she) is mentioned in this code, as most New Agers avoid any form of a patriarchal representation of God, choosing matriarchal representations instead.

The adjective proud in front of Buddhism might seem inappropriate for a religion that places so much emphasis on humility and self-denial. On the other hand, it could be argued that there is an element of human pride inherent in a religion that calls people: (1) to look within themselves for truth, (2) to devote long periods to training and discipline, which is passed on from one generation to the next, and (3) to create good karma by doing good deeds. Arguably, pride can be a positive thing. Pride in learning how to view and live life from a pure perspective, and the pride of adopting behavior patterns that are conducive toward becoming a better human being.

Her prize and her gift is a lamb with Buddhism.

As in the last code's use of the word ark, the presence of the word lamb is very reminiscent of the teachings of the Hebrew Old Testament (i.e., the Passover lamb).

Though in Buddhism a deer is a symbol of peace, there are characteristics of the lamb that could be representative of Buddhism. A lamb doesn't fight for anything. Non-violence, practicing harmlessness, and peace are emphasized strongly in Buddhism, and a lamb is certainly generally regarded as a symbol of peace.

Buddhism, a light burden on a uniform against fire, where is it?

From Readings in Buddhist Philosophy, you can get some idea of the importance of fire to a Buddhist. In this code, fire could be considered a symbol of enlightenment, or perhaps fire is a symbol of intense suffering, and the teachings of Buddha are represented by a uniform one puts on? The highest motivation one can have within Vajrayāna Buddhism is to train one's mind in order to be of benefit to all beings. If so, then the teachings may be a light burden, something that you carry with you to check your motivations against.

The question at the end of the code could refer to a group of people for whom Buddhism was so mixed with other beliefs (e.g., Hinduism) that it ceased to be genuine, or distinguishable, from those other beliefs.

Buddhism, provide an application of elimination of language,
and notice its oasis in a tested mountain. They have a problem within me.

The elimination of language could refer to the Buddhist's belief that words are, at best, a poor means of attempting to understand the nature of reality or to communicate ideas or feelings. It could also refer to the Buddhist's desire to avoid words and concepts that are dualistic in nature, such as good and evil, or Creator and created.

The phrase its oasis in a tested mountain could refer to finding enlightenment by meditating on a mountain, or it could refer to the techniques of Buddhism, which have been tested over centuries. An oasis is a refuge, and a mountain could symbolize solidity and stability. Followers of Buddhism could be said to find their oasis in a tested mountain (i.e., refuge in the tested practices of Buddhism).

In addition, mountains play a significance in Buddhism. Vulture Peak in northern India is the mountain where Buddha is thought "to have delivered a number of sermons." Mount Meru is "the mythological center of the Buddhist universe." And in China, Thousand Buddha Mountain is known for its many Buddha sculptures.

Stay on the groove of Buddhism from the glory of his path.

This code has a decidedly Buddhist point of view. The glory of his path could refer to Buddha's path to enlightenment. This code could then be read as an admonition to a Buddhist to follow the teachings of Buddhism and follow Buddha's path to enlightenment.

They were commanded to wash the opponent in it,
and he became less pronounced in Buddhism.

In Buddhism, there are offerings that involve cleansing the mouth, face and feet. This cleansing or washing is physical, but symbolizes a spiritual cleansing.

Another view of the code could be based in the mingling of Buddhism and Hinduism. In the centuries after Buddha lived, Buddhism in India became more and more like the Hinduism that Buddha had sought to reform. So, what the opponent (the Buddhist) of Hinduism was washed in was Hinduism itself, causing the Buddhist to be compromised (i.e., less pronounced in Buddhism).

Buddhism is a conquering eagle, as he thought.

What a Buddhist desires to conquer is suffering by becoming enlightened and escaping the endless cycle of successive reincarnations. They believe that this involves the gaining of great insight, perhaps symbolized by an eagle, whose sight is extremely acute. Furthermore, the eagle is able to soar to heights where it can gain a much broader perspective on life. Buddhism provides tools to overcome the negative habits of the mind. As a conquering eagle, once you have dealt with these negative habits, it allows you to soar above the daily suffering of life.

At the end of this article will be a link to tables of all the Buddhism and Buddhist findings. Now we turn to the findings for the search term Buddhist.

Buddhist Codes

When we searched for the term Buddhist, we found that there were only 18 Buddhist codes in the entire Tanakh (Old Testament). We surmised that this is the case because of the spelling of Buddhist, which contains a samech and a tet. Samechs and tets appear less frequently than other letters in the Hebrew alphabet.

Ten out of the 18 codes resulted in extended ELSs. That is an extraordinary proportion of lengthy ELSs. The codes run in length from 17 to 108 letters, and the 108-letter code wraps around the Tanakh an astonishing 9.03 times. This is an unprecedented finding, which should make even the staunchest skeptic sit up and take notice.

Man has a document, for a Buddhist the Lord has terminated
the change of islands of wandering Man,
for the feeble-minded his name is background.

The word document brings to mind the Buddhist writings, ideas and practices, all those instructions on how to be and work in the world. The change of islands could refer to the restlessness of the soul. The wandering man draws upon the Buddhist belief that sentient beings are wanderers. They wander because their karmic habits move them from lifetime to lifetime. Enlightenment frees the soul from wandering. The last phrase implies that for the feeble-minded, the name of God would always be obscured or in the background of life.

Provide the moisture of the sea, where is the gentle Buddhist?

While the first phrase in this code is mysterious, the second phrase containing the words gentle Buddhist is consistent with Buddhist teachings. Compassion, which connotes gentleness, is considered the "supreme emotion" in Buddhism.

Since the Lord is her power, provide them from a silent Buddhist
a choice cup of wine, and from his master emanates glory
that elevates his line from among us.

The choice cup of wine could be an allegorical reference to something precious or very valuable that is being passed on. The last part of this code (which begins with from his master emanates glory . . .) seems to directly refer to the specific lineages that are very common among Buddhists, wherein there is a careful recording of a long history of masters and students, passing down their traditions and practices.

To the poor man within me this is the fantasy of a Buddhist,
where your glance is focused.

Those practicing Buddhism are often told that the results of their devoted practice will be less suffering, more money, better health, etc. If, however, one focuses on attaining these things as the primary motivation for practicing Buddhism, then one's effort will never really flourish. The proper motivations are to seek peace and union with all sentient beings. So the fantasy of a Buddhist could refer to these more superficial rewards (i.e., outer rewards), as opposed to the more substantive ones (i.e., inner, more spiritual rewards).

From a skeptical perspective regarding Buddhism, the phrase fantasy of a Buddhist could refer to Nirvana.

The phrase where your glance is focused brings to mind the discipline of meditation.

God sponsors a Buddhist, and don't come . . .

This code would seem to be from a Buddhist point of view. God sponsors [it could also be translated as "supports"] a Buddhist. It would seem to be saying that God is taking responsibility for or providing some sort of support to a Buddhist.

A Buddhist moving according to a friend of God.

A friend of God could refer to a guru or Zen master. If so, then a Buddhist moving according to would be the follower, or student of the guru.


I will predict that he will provide a basis, and the sect will be a shoulder to the echo of their nation. Will you, the speaker, be believed by them in the name of God? Shatter its root, Buddhist. Where from came he who implored me? From whom came the witness of the thundering and hot echo? Only the brother has felt the flow of the vat and the son of God, the mountain. I will command him to provide a hand to the sect as she blunders.

This is the 108-letter code, which wraps around the Tanakh an astonishing 9.03 times. Due to having lengthy comments on this code, it is presented in a separate article.

A naïve Buddhist, and please listen to him attentively in your heart,
and raise in me what you were for them, and let him bend until
the fast of my offer is appropriate.

The notion of listening in your heart suggests a tendency to view words and speech as inadequate, and to rely more on intuition and feeling (symbolized by the heart). There are fasts in Buddhism that are done as offerings. Offer may also be translated as gift. So, this code could be imploring Buddhists to pay attention to their experience and practice what they have been instructed, so that they will not be naïve and will be able to give offerings of fasting or conduct their lives in a way that would be appropriate to a person more advanced in Buddhism.

If only you stayed, a Buddhist from God (or) by time.

This code could be from the point of view of a Buddhist guru telling his student, who had strayed from his teachings, if only you stayed with my teachings.

Will lies be allowed, Buddhist? Is God's tenderness with me?
Who is with them?

A factor in the Eight-Fold Path for the Buddhist is right speech. This practice means making the best use of their words, which includes abandoning false speech or lies. So, Will lies be allowed, Buddhist? is a very appropriate question in Buddhism, with the answer being, "No." The remainder of this code is mysterious.

Continue to 108-Letter-Long Buddhist Code

Continue to Buddhism and Buddhist Tables

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