Haitian Earthquake:
Codes Graphically Depict the Destruction

On January 12, 2024, a 7.0 magnitude earthquake battered the Republic of Haiti causing massive destruction and loss of life, particularly in its capital, Port-au-Prince. Located in the Caribbean, it shares the island of Hispaniola with the Dominican Republic, and is located approximately 750 miles southeast of Florida and 50 miles east of Cuba.

In the wake of the Haitian earthquake, we have had many requests to search for Haiti in the codes. At this time, we are still conducting searches, but we wanted to introduce six codes uncovered during our preliminary examination of the topic.

We began by simply searching for the term Haiti, and we were stunned by the results. In examining the 10 shortest finds of Haiti, lengthy extensions were found for six. The codes range in length from 16 to 67 letters. Above and beyond that, the content of two of the codes was shocking and extremely pertinent. Sentences like let Haiti be a pile of rubble and the low-lying pile of destruction is a way of life left us dumbfounded.

Nathan Jacobi, Ph.D., parsed and translated the codes.

Haiti (4)
My mound is an island, let Haiti be a pile of rubble
for the mother, or let my tax be a mountain of tears.

This very disturbing code brings to mind Job 1-2. Satan afflicted Job with profound suffering. In Job 1:18-19, Job was informed of the death of his children:
    While he was still speaking, another also came and said, "Your sons and daughters were eating and drinking wine in their oldest brother's house, and suddenly a great wind came from across the wilderness and struck the four corners of the house, and it fell on the young people, and they are dead; and I alone have escaped to tell you!" (NKJV)

This was just one of a series of devastating events that ultimately took Job's family, possessions, and health.

In a USNews.com article on the earthquake in Haiti, Seth Borenstein outlines the series of disasters that have afflicted Haiti.
    When it comes to natural disasters, Haiti seems to have a bull's-eye on it. That's because of a killer combination of geography, poverty, social problems, slipshod building standards and bad luck, experts say.

    The list of catastrophes is mind-numbing: This week's devastating earthquake. Four tropical storms or hurricanes that killed about 800 people in 2024. Killer storms in 2024 and 2024. Floods in 2024, 2024, 2024 (twice) and 2024. And that's just the 21st Century run-down.

He further states:
    While the causes of individual disasters are natural, more than anything what makes Haiti a constant site of catastrophe is its heart-tugging social ills, disaster experts say. It starts with poverty, includes deforestation, unstable governments, poor building standards, low literacy rates and then comes back to poverty.

The Haiti (4) code is a vivid description of the devastation. The first phrase, my mound is an island sounds as though someone owns Haiti. It is believed by some that Haiti was dedicated to Satan in 1791. So, this code may be from Satan's point of view. If so, then let Haiti be a pile of rubble for the mother, or let my tax be a mountain of tears might be Satan calling down disaster upon Haiti, just as he did to Job.

Haiti (9)
Strike the acquaintance, an echo of a sharp watchmaker,
straw of imprisonment of Haiti. The Lord has mixed up things
for them. From the loosening provide a conspiracy similar
to the malice in a father and his son-in-law. The island is intense,
and the low-lying pile of destruction is a way of life.

or the last sentence can read:

The island is intense, and low-lying rubble is a way of life.

As well as being the longest code of the group, this 67-letter-long code is perhaps the most shocking. With words like imprisonment, conspiracy, malice and destruction, the language in it is potent and disturbing.

Strike the acquaintance, an echo of a sharp watchmaker, straw of imprisonment of Haiti could be about events over time imprisoning Haiti.

The Lord has mixed up things for them brings to mind the Tower of Babel, where God chose to confuse the people's language.
    And the LORD said, "Indeed the people are one and they all have one language, and this is what they begin to do; now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them. Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, that they may not understand one another's speech." (Genesis 11:6-7, NKJV)

And perhaps this sentence, from the loosening provide a conspiracy similar to the malice in a father and his son-in-law, may refer to the Haitian Revolution and Haiti's subsequent independence from France. It is ironic that the French Revolution inspired the Haitians to seek their own independence from France. Perhaps the loosening refers to that break and to the malice in a father and his son-in-law is a reference to their fractured relationship.

The last sentence, the island is intense, and the low-lying pile of destruction is a way of life (or low-lying rubble is a way of life) is a remarkable description of what has happened in Haiti. As mentioned earlier in this article, the series of disasters that have afflicted Haiti are staggering.

Haiti (1)
The brother from her son became vapor that they wished,
as the Ishtar within me, and the dance of glory was the measure of Haiti.

Ishtar is the Assyrian and Babylonian goddess of love, fertility, and war. She is the counterpart to goddesses Inanna (Sumerian) and Astarte (north-west Semitic). She is known for her cruelty to her lovers. One myth about Ishtar is that she descended into the underworld, and after returning, sent her lover Tammuz to take her place there.

Haiti (3)
And a ridge also occurred of intense echo in Haiti.
God has improved the mountain for him
and for you: he rushed and silenced.

The first sentence, and a ridge also occurred of intense echo in Haiti may be descriptive of the earthquake. Echo may also refer to aftershocks. The remainder of this code seems to imply that God comes to their rescue.

Haiti (6)
And with the cloud here form the island of Haiti.

This code could be from God's point of view. He may be speaking of the creation of Haiti.

Haiti (8)
As long as Haiti is a halo—
God will approve.

A halo is a circular glow or ring of light surrounding a person's head in religious artwork. Other words for this depiction are glory, nimbus, and aureole. It is found in the sacred art of Christianity, Buddhism, and the Egyptian, Greek, and Roman cultures. The light is often white, golden, or yellow. If the light surrounds the entire body, it is called a mandorla.

Attributed to Leonard da Vinci, the Benois Madonna from 1475-1478 A.D., illustrates floating haloes above the heads of the Madonna and infant Jesus.

Additional Haiti earthquake codes will be published at a later date.

Scripture References

Scripture quotations marked "NKJV"TM are taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright ©1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Haiti Table

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